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    Last updated date: 2 July 2024 By : BLC

    8 Essential Study Tips Every University Student Needs to Succeed

    Starting university means lifestyle changes such as new routines, meeting new people, making more friends, and balancing your social life with your academia. Whether you are just starting out at University or you are in the middle of your course, it can be tricky finding a balance between how much time to dedicate to study and how much time to dedicate to everything else. It’s never too early – or too late – to develop good study habits.

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    Here are 8 Study Tips for the University to see you through the School Year. 

    1. Timetable

    At the start of each new School year, you will most likely receive a timetable listing all of your classes. Use this timetable to put together a schedule of all of your classes and fixed commitments combined to show clearly when things are on or more importantly when assignments and projects are due. Make sure that you schedule any homework, assessments, exams, and, projects that you have to do each week in an effort to stay on top of everything. With your fixed commitments and assessments already recorded, customize your own study routine. It doesn’t have to be the same every day and can change easily, so don’t beat yourself up if you have to change the priority of your tasks. Stick to something you know you can do. And by maintaining a variety of tasks, you can plan difficult tasks for when you work best, and easier ones for when you’re less alert. Remember to always keep the focus on the completion of divided tasks rather than how much time is spent on any one thing.

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    2. Study Breaks

    Taking breaks while studying is vital for your productivity. Working for too long without taking a break will drain you and will make you less attentive, meaning any more information that you try to learn will go in one ear and out the other. Your brain needs time to recharge and digest information. Take a 5-minute break every 30 minutes that you study. Set a timer and fully focus on the task at hand. Try not to engage with any social media platforms as taking a quick break on Facebook, Instagram or even Netflix can turn into an all-day-long break. Try listening to music or take a quick stroll around the block.

    study tips university
    More Useful Resource: Why your accounting degree alone is not enough?

    3. Peak Times

    Not everyone is productive at the same time of day. Some people perform better during the day and others at night. If you normally wake up late in the day, forcing yourself to wake up early to study may fail. Decide when your energy levels are at a peak for a higher performance rate. Schedule your most demanding work for these times and less demanding work for other times when energy is not as high.

    4. Keep Healthy

    Obvious, but not practised enough among the majority of students. Keeping healthy by taking care of your mental and physical health will help improve your memory, mood, and, energy levels. Drinking 8 cups of water, eating 3 meals a day, and snacking on healthy foods such as nuts and fruit are just the bare minimum. These essential things give you the fuel you need to focus. Along with a healthy diet, sleep is very important. 7-9 hours of sleep per night is a good guide to feeling refreshed and motivated to start the day. Form a relaxing night-time routine allowing you to wind down for the night without any distractions.

    Study Tips

    5. Manage Stress

    Balancing so many things at once can cause tension. Some stress is good for motivation, however too much can impact your learning and well-being. Asking professors, trainers, and tutors for help when you need it will decrease your stress levels immediately. These people are there to help you. Make an effort to go to class and familiarise yourself with your professors. It is also important to be aware of any health or support services that are available at your institution. If you just can’t cope, never bottle up your feelings. Have a support circle of friends and family whom you trust. Some things may need guidance from student support services on campus or a counselor – and that is okay. Plenty of online helplines are also easily accessible. Never feel embarrassed or shy to say something or to ask for help.

    6. Study Area

    The area you study depicts the way you will function. A messy space will cause distractions and inefficiency, making you unmotivated and drowsy. A neat well-lit room with organized papers and pens will increase your motivation making the space inspiring and welcoming. Stick to the mantra, a tidy room is a tidy mind’.

    Find out what space works for you whether that is at home, in a library, or in a café. Everyone is different. Some prefer listening to music, some do not. Find your preferences and what works best for you and stick to it.

    7. Study Groups

    Get together with friends or classmates to form a study group. Groups can be great as everyone can share their insights on various study topics and providing that everyone has studied the topic at hand, you can then learn from one another. Keep your study group to no more than 5 people – too many and you will find yourself distracted for hours.

    8. After University

    You’ve applied these tips and have excelled in your degree. However, something is missing. It can be difficult to obtain employment as a fresh graduate. Many accounting courses delivered by university/TAFE do not cover practical accounting skills, or accounting software such as Xero, MYOB, and other similar programs. Top marks always translate well, however, the right knowledge and skills are what most recruiters are looking for.

    Wanting to brush up on your accounting knowledge? Or do you just want to gain overall experience with cloud accounting? The Accounting Program offered by BLC Training and Internship provides you with the technical skills and soft skills required for accounting roles in Australia.

    BLC Training and Internship is a leading training provider focused on enhancing and developing your career!